Steiner Maschinenbau
Steiner Mechanical Engineering is specialised in the development and production
of customer specific specialised machines.
More than 40 years in industrial engineering
Based on the experience of more than 30 years in industrial engineering Steiner has regionally acquired an excellent reputation for the development and production of special machines.
Our main customers are suppliers to the automotive and aerospace industries as well as to those supplying plastic and packaging industries.
We view our main strength in our competence in solving our customer’s individual problems through innovative product development and scheduled delivery of special machines at excellent price/performance ratios.
One of our most important product groups is the production of tool carriers (mold carriers) and their transport systems (rotary tables) for the production of e.g. PU foam parts for use in the automotive and aeronautical industries.
Company History
The company was founded as a mill construction business in 1914 by Mr. Erasmus Steiner.
In 1950 the company was taken over by Mr. Karl Steiner and continued as a repair shop for agricultural machines and as a metalworking repair shop.
In 1979 Ing. Karl Steiner took the company over, specialising in construction of special machines and mechanical engineering and construction.
2009 the current owner, Mr. Walter Steiner, took over as Managing Director with the intention of continuing business in the fields of construction of special machines and mechanical engineering and construction.