Company: Steiner Maschinenbau GmbH
Legal Form: GmbH
Postal Address: A-4672 Bachmanning, Unterseling 9
Telefone: +43 (0) 7735 / 7113-0
FAX: +43 (0) 7735 / 7113-6
Business hours / Delivery times: Monday to Thursday 7:00 - 12:15 and 13:00 - 16:30, Friday 7:00 - 12:00
Registration No.: FN 106205 i LG Wels
VAT ID No.: ATU65113389
Account No.: Acc.No. 83.11086 by Raiffeisenbank Gunskirchen (Bank Code 34129)
IBAN: AT96 3412 9000 0831 1086
BIC: RZOOAT2L129 (notice: OO...are letters, not numbers)
Chamber of Commerce: Chamber of Commerce, Upper Austria
Trade Group Mechatronics
Trade Group Technical and Engineering offices
Responsible editor: DI Walter Steiner
Copyright: All contents of this website are protected by copyright and may not be used, copied or distributed without the express, prior, written permission of Messrs. Steiner Maschinenbau GmbH.
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